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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
نور رحمان لېوال ١٤٠٠ کال هېواد کې د مورينګه ونې دودولو کال ونوماوه

Noor Rahman Liwal declered the year of,1400 as the year of moringa tree plantation and propagation in the country. moringa#

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Moringa trees, woods, leaves, seeds and roots are used in food and medicine, it is considered in super and miraculous foods. Mr Noor Rahmam Liwal said "that he planted grafts of moringan 20 days ago, one of the three cuttings is grown , i am glad to share it with you in the first day of new year and also we have declered 1400 year for propagation of mornga tree. as the gift of new year through Noor Rahman Foundation, by funded of Liwal Limited Moringa guide prepared, that you can read in Liwal Foundation website. We are trying for access and distributing organic seeds of moringa trees , it is our wish that share this news with yourself and inform other from benefits of this tree. for more information about moringa tree see Noor Rahman liwal Foundatin website.
these kind of innovations shall help to eliminate poverty and play noticeable roll in the well-being of health of the people. it is our wish from all to bring the benefits of moringa tree from all over the world for plantation and propagation in the country. Liwal Foundation is ready to help you in the plantation and propagation of these innovative s.
hope the year of 1400 shall be year of peace and prosperity.
Noor Rahman Liwal Foundation
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