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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
CALL FOR INFORMATION: Change implementation and disbursement of the Phantom Aid to make it more productive and bring peace in Afghanistan and save millions of lives worldwide.
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My article of 8 February 2002, titled BALANCED ECONOMIC CONDITIONS WILL GUARANTEE PEACE IN AFGHANISTAN lead to the establishment of The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) in July of 2002, a multi-billion dollar fund for the World Bank and the Afghanistan government! I am glad that the TRUST FUND part of my article is fully adopted and no wonder that the TRUST FUND CHANNEL portion was drastically modified, that could be one of the reasons the Afghanistan government is consistently achieving 10-16 out of 100 points on the CIP since then! It is pleasing that the name I recommended AFGHAN REHABILITATION AND RECONSTRUCTION TRUST FUND was adopted with minor changes and becoming THE AFGHANISTAN RECONSTRUCTION TRUST FUND! This happened exactly six months after the dissemination of my article.

Since then I have been watching the ARTF benefiting many for the past 18 years, but Afghanistan was not making progress as I and many others was expecting, that is why I am trying to fix the problems myself and for this reason, nominated myself for the Presidential elections in 2014, and contested in 2019 and will be contesting in the future also, read more in
Unfortunately, both of the times I am defeated by the corruption and the frauds in the Election Commissions, the elections and the government, which may have been powered by the generous aid provided by ARTF, World Bank, ADB, USAid and others. There is no need to blame anyone, in Afghanistan, the results speak for itself, we are nearly back to square one of the late 1980s of the Soviet Union invasion era, during that time people migrated to cities and were living just on bread and waters, provided by the Kabul regime. Now again nearly 80% of Afghans are living below poverty lines in the cities and can not go to villages, the Kabul regime of Dr. Ghani and Dr. Abdullah is forced to give only 10 Flat breads/family of 7/day for millions and that could also vanish sooner if not later, thanks God that ARTF have $400 million that could feed some for sometime and we all need to take actions to save country from collapsing:
Therefore, now in these difficult times we all need to forget and forgive the past, just focus on the present and future to save millions of innocent lives, that are in the verge of being lost, not because of COVID-19, but poverty, corruption and politically correctness of few. We may not be able to change the attitude of the Afghanistan government and its Aid hungry giant employees and Warlords, but we can fix and change the implementation and disbursement of the Phantom Aid to make it more productive:
I am working on my new article how to change implementation and disbursement of the Phantom Aid to make it more productive and save lives, therefore, I need cooperation and information if readers of this message have:
1- What is the total value of your organization or organization that you know provided grant to Afghanistan till date?
2- Which sectors the grant covered and what is the percentage?
3- Has your organization or organization that you know provided any loan to Afghanistan if yes how much Afghanistan owe to that organization till date?

If you have access to above information kindly share via email and other means at the top of website.
Best Regards
Noor Rahman Liwal
Note: An email was sent to ARTF, World Bank, ADB, NDB, IMF and some of the people I shared my article in 2002, we will see how responsive they are?