Afghans Ask Obama: 'What Does America Want From Us?'
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Afghans Ask Obama: 'What Does America Want From Us?'

Afghans Ask Obama: 'What Does America Want From Us?'

Obama: “Isn’t America here helping the Afghans free themselves from the Taliban?”

Obama:My counter question always triggered a raucous laughter and the charge that I didn’t want to tell the truth. I gradually realized that many Afghans, among them high-level government officials and well-educated young people, believe that the United States is instigating terror in Islamic countries to keep them mired in constant internal wars, rendering them weak and marginalized.

President Donald J. TrumpPresident Donald J. TrumpPresident Donald J. Trump
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President Donald J. Trump
Indiscriminately bombarding innocent civilians for biased government and clan rivalries, will not make America great. Is this the partnership u claimed. People in Sangin district of Helmand in Afghanistan were innocent.


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Mr. Donald J. Trump listening to the suffering majority is the winning END in the Afghan war
Mr. Donald J. Trump listening to the suffering majority is the winning END in the Afghan war

In 17 years, a very small but the elite portion of the 3 dimensions: Those fighting terrorism in Afghanistan; their supported Afghan government; and those fighting them back, found their ways to benefit from the Afghan war and they do not want the END.

Mr. President Trump, unfortunately in your Oval Office your strategy will be shaped by input and actions of these beneficiaries as you mentioned in your speech that you cannot follow your instincts while in the Oval Office.

If you want to win in Afghanistan make it possible to get the input of the 4th dimension the majority who are suffering: the millions of Afghans who are against all kinds of wars; your soldiers like and their families, they will show you the winning END.

Make it possible to meet a delegation of those Afghans who are not part of the above-mentioned beneficiaries, together we can help if you want the END.

Noor Rahman Liwal
شمالي کوريا سره جګړه د متحده ايلاتو او ټرمپ ناچاري او د نړيوالې تودې جګړې پاريدل.
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شمالي کوريا سره جګړه د متحده ايلاتو او ټرمپ ناچاري او د نړيوالې تودې جګړې پاريدل.
تېرو درې لسيزو کې د نړۍ نورو سيمو پرمختګونو د لوديځوالو پرمختګ ټکنى کړ، لويديځوال په ډېرو برخو کې د سيالۍ څخه وغورځيدل او اړ شول چې خپل هېوادونه په خپلو سرچينو وچلوي، کوم چې پخوا د نورې نړۍ په شتمنيو ښېرازه ول. د دوى خپلو سرچينو د شانداره ژوند اړتياوې نشوې پوره کولاى. دغه حالت هر څوک له دوه ستونزو سره مخامخ کوي لومړى کورنۍ شخړې او دويمه له سيالانو يا حريفانو څخه بازار ګټل هځې ګړندى کول.

د دغو دواړو ستونزو لنډ حل دوى په جګړو کې وليد، لومړى دا چې د لويديځ د وسلو کاروبار په پرمختګ کې و او دويم دا چې د کورنيو جګړو د مخنيوى لپاره يې په کمزورو هېوادو لکه افغانستان، عراق او نورو يرغلونه وکړل او هلته يې روانې جګړې پيل کړي ترڅو د جګړو په پلمه له ولسونو اسانتياوې او حقوق واخلي.

د افغانستان، عراق او نورو سيمو جګړو په لويديځ کې د کورنيو شخړو په محار کولو کې تر ننه مرسته وکړه خو نور ګرد لويديځ خو په ځانکړي ډول متحده ايالات په سياسي ډول بېسده ويشل شوي، موږ وينو چې ترنننه ديموکراټان د ټرمپ ولسمشري نه مني، ګانګرس د ولسمشر په بډ يا خلاف په روسيه بنديزونه لږوي، ټرمپ پياوړې رسنۍ چې په ډېره سپين سترګۍ د متحده الاياتو ګټې خوندي کوي دروغجنې بولي او همکاري ورسره نه کوي. د اف بي اى په نوم کورنيو استخبارات په تېر لنډ وخت کې د ټرمپ ټاکنيز کمپاين د مشر کور تالاشي کړى او هلته لا د ټاکنو ناندرۍ راونې دي چې د روسې له مخالفت څخه سرټکوي (مه کوه پر چا چې وبشې پرتا).

اردو او ترشا ګټې يې هم د ټرمپ کاروباري او جوړجاړي پروګرامونو سره همغږي نه دي. جولاى کې وال ستریټ ورځپاڼې وليکل "ټرمپ او د هغه ستر سلاکاران نه غواړي چي افغانستان ته نوري قواوي واستوي بلکه غواړي چي قواوي نوري هم لږي کړي"، د بهرنيو چارو وزير ټيلرسن د افغانستان د حکومت مخالفينو سره د خبرو کولو پلوي وکړه. زموږ په هېواد کې روانه جګړه د ډيمکراتانو او اردو غوښتنه ده.

پورتنۍ او ځينې نورې ستونزې که همداسې روانې وي هغه ورځ لري نه ده چې متحده ايالاتو کې کورنۍ جګړه، بدلون يا انقلاب وشي. متحده ايالاتو کې د دغه ډول حالت د مخنيوي لپاره کلتور دادى چې کورنۍ جګړې بايد بهرته وايستل شي او په جګړو کې ګټه ده. نو د متحده ايالاتو دغه ذهنيت ته په کتو د شمالي کوريا غوندې يوازې او کمزوري هېواد سره جګړه ښه پلمه ده، خو دغه جګړه به روانه سړه جګړه د زبرځواکو په توده نړيواله جګړه پيل کړي.

دا چې نړيواله توده جګړه به پرموږ څه اغېزې ولري زما وړانديزونه د تېرو دريو کلونو په درشل کې ښکته څړنو يا پوستونو کې وګورئ.
د سعودي د پاچا ماسکو ته لومړنى يون
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د سعودي د پاچا ماسکو ته لومړنى يون

د سعودي د پاچا ماسکو ته لومړنى يون د نړۍ په سياسي تړاونو کې د ستر بدلون ښکارندويي کوي، داسې ښکاري چې نور لوېديځ د خپلو دومخو کړنو له امله ملګري له لاسه ورکوي. دا به د افغانستان اهميت د لوېديځ لپاره نور هم ډېر کړي. لوېديځوالو په ځانګړي ډول متحده ايالاتو@U.S. Embassy Kabul ته پکار ده چې په افغانستان کې ژر تر ژره خپلې دومخي تګلارې بدلې او سولې ته لاره هواره کړي. په افغانستان کې سوله او سياسي ټيکاو د سيمې او لوېديځ په ګټه دى.

پر ځان او افغانانو د متحده ايالاتو تپلشوې جګړه
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پر ځان او افغانانو د متحده ايالاتو تپلشوې جګړه

پر ځان او افغانانو د متحده ايالاتو تپلشوې جګړه ددغه هېواد په تاريخ کې تر ټولو ستره جکړه شوه.

جنرال پيتروس ويلي چې دغه جګړه به تر نسلونو روانه وي. دوى له دغې جګړې څه غواړي دا زموږ مسئوليت دى چې نړى، ځان او خپلو راتلونکو ته دا څرګند کړو او متحده ايالات بايد ددې ځواب ووايي؟

چين د جوړونکي په ډول پداسې وخت کې د نړۍ زبرځواک کېږيچين د جوړونکي په ډول پداسې وخت کې د نړۍ زبرځواک کېږي
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چين د جوړونکي په ډول پداسې وخت کې د نړۍ زبرځواک کېږي
چين د جوړونکي په ډول پداسې وخت کې د نړۍ زبرځواک کېږي چې لويديځ د تپلشويو جګړو ريشخند شوى او د نورو په کورنيو چارو کې د مداخلې له امله زبرځواکتوب له لاسه ورکوي.

President Donald J. Trump که د متحده ايالاتو تاسيسات چې د خپل هېواد او نورو د بربادۍ سبب کېږي کابو نکړئ لرې نده چې د شوروي اتحاد تقدير مو نصيب شي.
The West need to get serious about the double standardsThe West need to get serious about the double standards
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The West need to get serious about the double standards

For fear of security U.S. secretary of state Mr.Tillerson had to meet Afghan president in a hideout and Kabul government had no choice but to Photoshop the picture's Zulu time clock, this clearly show the security situation, even presidential place is not considered safe.

The West need to get serious about the double standards that became the de facto policy for handling situation in Afghanistan. Also West have to stop treating Afghans as their puppets by consider real partnership to stay in or leave Afghanistan at Afghans terms anything else will be crippling for the parties.

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Not only Britain, the whole west is nearly broken
Reason is very simple China, Russia, Hindustan(India) & other emerging powers are exporting products, services and partnerships. But the west is busy exporting conflicts and for their negative result western institutions are busy in blame game, creating confusions among themselves and suspicions to distinguish between natural friends and enemies.

Look for the war in Afghanistan, the whole west is busy fighting ghost enemies from 17 years with devastating results for Afghans and the West. Still no Western country has any clue who is benefiting from the war and who is paying the price.

ټرمپ د متحده ايلاتو جګړهپالو پوځي او استخباراتي ادارو کابو کولو کې بريالى برېښي
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ټرمپ د متحده ايلاتو جګړهپالو پوځي او استخباراتي ادارو کابو کولو کې بريالى برېښي
بډيالو ته د کابل د حکومت بې له شرته د سولې وړانديزونه او پرون د شمالي کوريا مشر سره د ټرمپ ليدلو ژمنتيا دا څرګندوي چې متحده ايالاتو کې د ټرمپ اقتصادي پرمختګونو ددغه هېواد جګړهپالې پوځي او استخباراتي ادارې او د هغوى تګلارې کابو کړې ځکه خو د افغانستان او شمالي کوريا په ډول د متحده ايالاتو د جګړو تودو سنګرونو کې د سولې خبرې کېږي، افغانان بايد لدغې وارې يا موقع څخه ستره ګټه پورته کړي او هتمي سوله وکړي.

همدارنګه په ولسونو غږ کوو چې هره شېبه راتلونکو ولسمشريزو رڼو ټاکنو ته چمتوالى ونيسي. د استخباراتي او سړو جګړو لپاره روزل شوي، نيت بدي چې د خپل ناروا واک او ګټو لپاره هر نيواکګر سره ملګري وي وپېژني او راتلونکو ولسمشريزو ټاکنو کې داسې ماتې ورکړي چې بيا په هېواد کې د پرديو په مټ واک ته رسېدلو خوب نور هيڅوک ونه ويني.
امريکايانو هم زموږ رنګ واخيست، جنرالان يې د سولې او ډيپلوماتان يې د جګړې خبرې کوي، (جان بولټن د ټرمپ نوى د امنيتي چارو سلاکار وڅېړئ)
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امريکايانو هم زموږ رنګ واخيست، جنرالان يې د سولې او ډيپلوماتان يې د جګړې خبرې کوي، (جان بولټن د ټرمپ نوى د امنيتي چارو سلاکار وڅېړئ)

روس او افغان جګړه کې چې کومو روسانو د شوروي اتحاد په وخت کې برخه اخيستې وه په ماسکو کې به يې هغوى ته افغانان ويل. ٢٠٠٢ کال کې مې يو امريکايي پروفيسر ته ويل، چې يوه ورځ به راشي تاسې به هم زمونږ رنګ واخلئ هغه ورځ راته نن ددې جنرال په خبرو او کړنو کې څرګنده شوه.

بشپړ مضمون لاندې يادونه کې ولولئ.

د متحده ايالاتو منځمحاله ټاکنې د افغانستان لپاره څه لري
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د متحده ايالاتو منځمحاله ټاکنې د افغانستان لپاره څه لري
د متحده ايالاتو منځمحاله ټاکنو کې که څه هم په ولسي جرګه "هاوس اف ريپريزنټيټو کې ډيموکراټان ډېرى شول خو د مشرانو جرګه يا سينټ کې د جمهوريخوا ګوند ډېرى خورا د پام وړ دى. د مشرانو جرګه دا واک لري چې لوړپوي چارواکي وټاکي، بهرنيوچارو تګلارې جوړې کړي او د هغو پر کولو حکومت وڅاري، دا به ټرمپ او ملګري ددې جوګه کړي چې اجرايه ځواک کې ژور بدلوونه راولي او هرڅوک چې يې خوښ نه وي له حکومته لرې کړي. د کانګرس يا لويې جرګې (چې په افغانستان کې ورته ملي شورا وايي) دويمه برخه ولسي جرګه ده چې د قوانيونو رامنتځه کولو، بوديجې جوړولو او پر حکومتي چارواکو د څار واک لري، دغه واک يو کس په درغليو او ناوړتيا تورنولاى شي خو بېواکه کولاى يې نشي. که ډيموکراټان لدغه ځواک څخه ډېره ګټه پورته کړي دا به دوى په متحده ايالاتو کې د منفي ذهنيت لرونکو په ډول ولس ته وروپېژني چې د ټرمپ او ملګرو ملاتړ به نور هم ډېر کړي. دا هرڅه موږ ته داسې راښيي چې راتلونکې د ولسمشرۍ دوره هم د جمهوريخوا ګوند ده. که څه هم ټرمپ سپينپوستى توکمپال دى خو نشيزتوکي او پوځي ماجراپالنه يې ځکه خوښ ندي چې په دغه برخه کې ډيموکراټان ډېر ښکېل دي نو په افغانستان کې به نشيزتوکي او پوځي ماجراپالنه چې د ډيموکراټانو په حکومت کې يې خورا پرمختګونه وکړل راکمېږي او دا د هېوادوالو په ګټه بولم. دا اوس د افغانانو پر نبوغ او سياسي مديريت پورې اړه لري چې لدغه حالت څخه د هېواد لپاره څه ګټه پورته کولاى شي، خو پدغه برخه کې د ګډحکومت څخه د لاسته راوړنې تمه ځکه نشي کېداى چې د دوى اړيکې له متحده ايالاتو سره خورا ستونزمنې شوي او انګريزان يې په پوست کې ننوتلي.
خليلزاد د پښتنو له خاورې د دويم فلسطين جوړولو لپاره ګټور بېړاخليلزاد د پښتنو له خاورې د دويم فلسطين جوړولو لپاره ګټور بېړا
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خليلزاد د پښتنو له خاورې د دويم فلسطين جوړولو لپاره ګټور بېړا
دلته د لوېديځ د يرغل په ترڅ کې ځينې ناوړه کړۍ دي څوک چې غواړي په مرکزي اسيا کې د لبنان او فلسطين په ډول اوږدمهاله شخړې په سيمه کې ځاى پرځاى کړي. ددغې ناوړه تګلارې لاندې دوى غواړي چې د ډيورنډ کرغېړنکې کرښې دواړو غاړو ته پښتون مېشته سيمو څخه دويم فلسطين او يو نوى هېواد د لبنان په ډول رامنځه ته کړي (په حقيقت کې، اوس مهال د کابل حکومت هم د لبنان په بڼه چلېږي) چېرته چې حکومتولي د بې انډوله او دروغجن توکميز-اقتصاد او توکميز-مذهبي شخړو پر بنسټ اداره کېږي. په دې تګلاره کې د پاکستان پوځ او استخبارات د اسرائیل کردار ترسره کوي چې د ډيورنډ کرغېړنې کرښې دواړه غاړو کې پښتانه بدناموي، اقتصادي ډول کمزوري کوي او وژني. دغه وحشي تګلاره د غچ اخيستونکو ګړيو ده چې انګرېزانو او انګرېز توکمه-امريکايانو پخوا جوړه کړې وه، خو دا له ٢٠٠٣ تر ٢٠٠٧ کاله خورا په جوش کې شوه، هغه وخت کې يو برتانياوى د مايکل سمپل په نوم له افغانستان څخه په دې وشړل شو چې د تالبانو تر نامه لاندې يې د اورپکو په بيا منځته راتګ او يا هغوى سره په پټو مرستو او اړيکو تورن شو، په هغه وخت کې زلمی خليلزاد په کابل کې د متحده ايالاتو سفير و. همدارنګه وروسته د پاکستان د تالبانو تحريک جوړول د دې لړيو پايله وه. اوس د پښتنو له خاورې د دويم فلسطين جوړول خورا ښکاره او اندېښمن ځکه شول کله چې متحده ايالاتو، تالبانو او افغان حکومت دا خبرې پيل کړې چې د سولې راوستلو تر نامه لاندې به د جنګ ځپلي افغانستان پښتون مېشته سيمې تالبانو ته حواله کوي. حتا ځينو رسنیو داسې راپورونه هم خپاره کړل چې متحده ایالاتو د افغانستان اردو ته ويلي چې ځينې سيمې اورپکو ته ورپرېږدي. بله اندېښنه داده چې متحده ايالات يوځل بيا خليلزاد د خپل ځانګړي استازي په توګه افغانستان ته رالېږي. خليلزاد د ولسمشر جورج بوش د مرستيال په توګه پر افغانستان يرغل کې د هغه ستره مرسته وکړه، که يې پرتله وشي، زلمى خليلزاد د لبنان د ښاغلي فيلپ چارلس حبيب تاريخ تکراروي ، د چا ځايي وړتياوې او پوهه چې د هغو پاليسيو لپاره وکارول شوې چې تر ننه ورڅخه د فلسطين مظلوم او منځنى ختيځ ولس ځورېږي. که چیرې د دویم فلسطین جوړولو کړۍ په دې بريالۍ شي چې پښتون مېشته سيمې د تالبانو په نامه اورپکو ته وروسپاري، دا به په بشپړه توګه دداسې يوې غميزې پيل وي چې له کبله به يې ٧٠ سلنه افغانستان د انارشۍ او لاقانونيت سيمه شي، چېرته چې همدا اوس د پښتنو اپارتايد د ترهګرۍ تر جګړې لاندې له اتلسو کالو څخه را روان دى ، اوس د سولې تر نامه لاندې د مرکزي اسيا دويم فلسطين جوړېدو هڅې روانې دي.
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The parallel kingdoms of the United Nations Agencies and some foreign missions are behind the failures and disputed election in Afghanistan
Noor Rahman Liwal, 6 July 2019 (Download PDF Version) (Download Word Version) We understand and appreciate the moral work of United Nations (UN), their humanitarian activities and the convention on the privileges and immunities of the UN. Also, we value the sacrifices of the allies of Afghanistan who pay, train, gather, elect/select and even kill Afghans and their own children for the benefit of Afghans! In Afghanistan, the misappropriation of relief fund is widespread due to lack of accountability reaching a level that needs the world’s attention, as a result, unfortunately, the UN and some foreign missions are operating as parallel kingdoms in Afghanistan, without any fear of morality, responsibility or accountability which has placed Afghanistan at the top of the global corruption index and the 1st as the most insecure country.
As a presidential candidate I would like to present my own experience of the past 6 months in the form of a case study to enable us all to take measures for improvements of the situation to first benefit Afghans and then humanity at large and end the Afghan dilemma of unfortunate and painful tragedies.
On 3rd February 2019 I sent a letter, to Mr. Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), sharing with him, considered views, articles, solutions and recommendations for a credible, free and transparent Afghanistan presidential election 2019, more information can be found in my website We draw their attention that without cost, we offer the Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan (IECA or election commission) a blockchain enabled system developed by us in Afghanistan, that can provide accurate voting and voter registration, based on biometrics of Face and Finger Print recognition.
Also highlighting, that while I, was running for the 2014 presidential election, unfortunately the then commission declared me unqualified without logical and legal reasons. Since then we have been working to develop a smart ICT based e-governance solution that can help boost the management and delivery of public services in Afghanistan at the capacity of 35% presently to 90% in the third year of our presidential system. The system will significantly bring down the level of systematic corruption that killed and hurt millions of Afghanistan and non-Afghans alike. Therefore, we invited Mr. Tadamichi Yamamoto and or the technical team involved in election 2019 for a thorough discussion on the above mentioned points and sought cooperation for a free and fair election in Afghanistan. We never heard back, which shows lack of a sense of responsibility, transparency and answerable employees of UN acting like absolute kings.
Nomination Speech setting for me in Election Commission.
Nomination Setting for Mr. Ashraf Ghani in Election Commission on the same day and same location.
Many may ask why we were asking UNAMA for a meeting? firstly, UNAMA was getting involved openly in the politics of Afghanistan beyond its mandate, secondly, we got internal information from election commission that UNAMA’s Non-Afghan consultants were, secretly listening, watching, recording and spying on every move of my registration as presidential nominee on 20 January 2019.
Under their noses, during the registration, discrimination was at full swing as every candidate was treated differently in the same location during the same day and hours. Thirdly, amazing are the messages King Yamamoto is sending to the media, the candidates and the Afghan nation to participate in the every steps of election, portraying himself as the number one person in Afghanistan, although he should have used the relevant authority like the election commission for such messages, many Afghans employed at the election commission told me that as long as UN is paying for election, candidate of their choice will be selected not elected. Some of the embassies and missions are calling on presidential candidates to visit their parallel kingdoms and present their programs, without respecting any protocol, they act like this, because they pay a few bucks for the elections, merrily not to support the elections but open doors for their interference in the process.
The Presidential Candidates Jirga members, having meeting at the office of Liwal (
On 3rd February 2019, I received a call from a gentleman calling himself, an Afghan & Political Advisor, European Union (EU), he said, we are working on a program for all Afghan presidential candidates to come and present their program to diplomates of European countries. We told him the program is unique and may not be diplomatically or politically correct for EU to carryout and it may further damage the already fragile elections process and in view of public it may puppetize coming Leadership for the success of which EU was contributing generously. This call reminded me that I should resume my program “Awakening & Reconciliation from An Afghan Perspective”, planning to visit centers of European politics in Bonn, London, Paris and Brussels. While considering Europeans as natural allies of Afghanistan; who finance, train, trying to elect/select and even kill Afghans and their own children for the benefit of Afghans! Are we not asking, or are they not concerned, what Afghans want? Are Afghans thankful or critical of them; do Afghans consider the on-going efforts helpful or challenging enough to be considered an act of an enemy? More information visit Like UNAMA, we draw the attention of the European Union in Afghanistan to, offers, articles, solutions and recommendations for a credible, free and transparent Afghan presidential election 2019, especially, our free offer of voter’s registration, voting, result counting and monitoring. Also, under Liwal Good Governance Program, an e-governance solution that can help boost the management and delivery of public services in Afghanistan which is presently manual, full of corruption and bureaucracy. Liwal Good Governance Program utilizes open governance standards, which will significantly reduce corruption. We also offer cooperation on the launch of an Open Government Portal that will list governmental and non-governmental initiatives at the village level and offer for listing EU contributions. Inviting delegation members, especially those interested in Presidential Election 2019, we never hear back.
Top US diplomats having fun time with very low-ranking advisor to a candidate discussing peace in Afghanistan, while having no time to respond or meet 7 presidential candidates on the same matter (
To know the quality of diplomats’ engagement in Afghanistan, on 2 April 2019, a Jirga consist of seven presidential candidates, with objective and programs for peace in Afghanistan. The Jirga offered mediation among involved parties, the Afghan Government, The Taliban and the United States + NATO. The Jirga sent a letter with phone call follow-ups to Mr. Zalmay Khalilzad, U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Peace and Reconciliation, however, we never heard back, but at the same time and on the same matter, top US diplomats were having a fun time with very low-ranking adviser to a candidate discussing peace efforts. No wonder the Americans and the Afghans are stuck in the longest war of their histories with numerous of invaluable lives lost from both sides. The engagement and planning of such calibers could be the reasons behind the proxy war going on, as retired Brig. Gen. Donald Bolduc explained it “the entire war is a story of one mistake after another, putting success or “victory” as we typically define it further out of reach. U.S. military tactical level units have performed admirably, but political leaders, policy makers, and senior general officers inside and outside of Washington have failed them… imposing American-imposed solutions to Afghanistan’s problems, we disincentive the Afghans from leading and chose to ignore thousands of years of history.”
Ms. Alice Wills meeting with Afghan election commission members.
The Americans are openly interfering in the Afghan election matters. On 20th May 2019, Ms. Alice Wills, Acting Assistant Secretary of State, met with election commission members and dictated to them, suspension of Provincials Shura’s (Counsels) and Ghazni province parliamentary elections. She said concentrate all efforts on presidential elections only. Without consulting the stakeholders, the next day the election commission announced only presidential election. On 24th April 2019, UNAMA sent an invitation titled “Presidential candidates and leaders of political parties and Civil Society to a meeting with the Election Support Group to discuss key issues around elections “, without a detailed Agenda, what were the key issues? We told the caller that the Jirga of 7 presidential candidates will not participate in such a sundry meeting of diverse groups with very limited time for each participant to express himself in as little as 2 minutes or less. We recommended that UNAMA arrange specific meetings with each stakeholder group having enough time for each meeting and for conclusion, arrange a final gathering consisting of all stakeholders. UNAMA, once again, completely ignored, and did not even bother to share the minutes of the meeting with the stakeholders and participants. UNAMA’s is arranging such unorganized and short meetings of diverse people for confusion and dictating the hidden agendas of corruption and nepotism without considering the views of the participants, if this was not the case, UNAMA would have certainly shared the minutes of the meeting with stakeholders and participants. We realized that these meetings are only organized to find evidence and justification for the funding sources, just to show that whatever UNAMA is doing is done in consultation with stakeholders. Therefore, the results speak for themselves, politically engineered, failed and controversial elections, which UNAMA has been facilitating in Afghanistan for the past two decades. In that meeting of 24 April, 2019 it was dictated to the election commission and candidates that Afghanistan cannot use biometric in the presidential elections, although the system and equipment are already purchased during the last Parliament election by a presidential decree No.51 dated 22/5/1397, under which National Statistic and Information Authority (NSIA) with Joint Technical Committee, comprising of the Minister of Finance, Minister of Communication and Information Technology and Directors of NPA, NISA. Smart Verification Terminal (SVT3000SE), Voter Application for Face and Fingerprint on Device offline and online (Fingerprint SDK and Face SDK) with local Identification System, including License per device, Application development/customization and training was purchased as a single source from a German company called Dermalog, under the decree No. 66, costing 14.65 million Euro, additional human resources and other costing 33.2 million US$. The contract was full of corruption and procurement irregularities as $200 Terminals were purchased for above $1500. The first mistake was to give the professional work of electoral body to NSIA having no technical or managerial experience in election and biometric. Secondly, the joint technical committee also had no experience. Thirdly, the purchase was just made a few days before the elections, many of the election staff did not know how to use the devices or applications to the point that the collected data was not even integrated with the central system. Another discrimination was in the interface and documentation of Application, it totally missed national language Pashto, under nepotism the election commission staff hired were mostly ethnic minorities who could not understood the language of majority Pashto on the voting day. We offered a free localized biometric solution for the Afghan presidential election, informing EU, UNAMA and election commission and government, either intentionally or unintentionally they ignore such offers to kill local initiatives, because these solutions can solve local problems and shut ways for possible abuse of fund spent on luxuries of UN and related bodies, in the 90’s I was working with the UN operation in Afghanistan, I found that 75% of all the budget was spent on luxuries of UN employees around 20% waste in corruption and 5% were reaching the beneficiaries. I resigned and started my own business. Currently, the UN project are even printing election stationary outside of Afghanistan and importing them back to Afghanistan, during Wlosi Jirga election, few pages were missing, where dozens of candidate’s names could not be found to vote them, if justification is non-availabilities of local expertise, then even that is a big fat lie and proof of corruption.
Mr. Noor Rahman Liwal, Presidential Candidate, visiting the voter top-up center in Kabul registration.
On 26th June 2019 I went to perform the voter registration top-up processes that ended on the 29th of June. The registrar could not find my name in the voter list even though my voting sticker was made inside the Election Commission. Instead of having a connection to the database and correcting that sticker in the system, they manually attached another sticker on my identification documents. As a leading IT expert, I know even a teenager can develop a database and an app on smartphones to register or update the stickers, but those who developed the registration system cannot. Another presidential candidate reported the same situation, if the UN supported system of registration is unable to properly register presidential candidates, how can they do it for the rest of the voters? The registration process by UNAMA and UN Electoral Support Project (UNESP) is politically engineered for opening doors to another shameful election like the last one, these projects are full of nepotism, even staff members who were deported as persona non grata in previous governments are rehired and working again, another person who was repelled from her country due to fraud in election, she is reported to be working in UN electoral project for Afghanistan. On 25 June 2019, the Election Commission decided that they will go for unprofessional use of biometric, where no one is registered as biometric voters, yet hardware devices will be purchased under UNAMA coordination or from national budget. It is amazing that officials from the German company Dermalog could not visit Afghanistan and IEAC Staff could not understand Automated Biometric identification System (ABIS) from documentation, emails, messaging, phone and video conferences, therefore, Election Commission prepared a big delegation that comprised of dozen, of commissioners and dozens of other staff members to visit Dubai to talk to Dermalog. It is surprising to learn that during voter registration, no one was registered biometrically, yet, the Election Commission delegations, two main demands from Dermalog were: Prepare biometric voters list and attach the sticker number to the biometric of voters in the system. This is the main dilemma and a door for engineered voting and resulting counting. We understand the ABIS software may have been licensed from a single source, but there are thousands of companies offering biometric hardware devices for under $200 that are purchased above 1500$ each without any transparency of procurement process! On June 10, 2019, I called UNAMA and told him that we have documents showing that during the past election of the Wolesi Jirga, out of dozens of activities which were promised to election commission under the UNAMA coordination by UNESP, only 3 were carried out with inordinate delays and full of corruption, which led to the crisis in the election, a crying shame for all. We tried to reach the responsible people in UNESP to have their views, without any success. When we asked relevant advisors to give us the contact of the UNESP responsible people, while confirming UNAMA as coordination body of the electoral support that include UNESP, for some reason they could not give the contact information, and there was no contact information on UNESP website either. They promised us that they will convey the message, and someone will get back to us, nobody contacted us, now imagine if a presidential candidate cannot reach or get response, how can other Afghans? There is irresponsibility and no accountability, therefore, some people are utilizing immunities of UN against its mandate. We sent letters to his excellency Secretary General and other relevant bodies, requesting them to work for the improvement of the situation. On June 25, UNAMA, sent another surprise invitation again without detailed agenda, titled “Election Support Group Ambassadors comprising the European Union, NATO and the Governments of Australia, Sweden (on behalf of the Nordic plus), Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America”. This time asking specifically to invite one of my running mates to a meeting. A gentleman from UNAMA was kind enough to call us again and again, asking who is joining from our team? As a joke, I told him why not invite both of my vice-presidents to the meeting, because we are the only unlucky country having two?’ He replied with no, no, UNAMA invited one from all candidates and finally, I told him that we are not participating, and I will write about it. Warlords are the most favorite commodities in the current Afghanistan politics, under the democracy classification index, achievement of the last 18 years in Afghanistan is an Authoritarian regime not yet even near to the Flawed Democracy the United States is currently experiencing, let alone full democracy which few European countries are achieving. If Afghanistan is even moving towards Flawed Democracy, there are no other options but to correct the following core problems before Afghanistan presidential election 2019: 1- FIXING LEGALITY OF THE CURRENT ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT The Current unconstitutional, illegal coalition and corrupt government of two candidates Mr. Ghani and Mr. Abdullah is not capable to manage an acceptable election. Therefore, an impartial caretaker government is urgently needed to hold a free, fair and transparent presidential election, the result of which will be acceptable to all. The viable option is an inter presidential candidates’ election, voting one of them as the caretaker president and remaining candidates forming a supervision board to oversee the caretaker president during government, election and transfer of power. If anyone is not supporting this option, then indeed they are benefiting from the war, corruption and engineered elections. The caretaker will also provide an opportunity for Taliban to join the election and we can reach peace, remember Taliban cannot reach an agreement with present expired Afghan Unity Government of Mr. Ghani or the Doha talks under the shadow of Mr.Karzai and company. 2-TECHNICALLY FIXING THE ELECTION COMMISSION VOTING PROCEDURES ESPECIALLY THE RESULT COUNTING. To have a relatively credible Afghanistan Presidential Elections 2019, there is no other option but to have all three phases of voter registration, voter identification and results counting completed using modern technologies of biometric and blockchain. We will be happy to work with all stakeholders to facilitate that. Unless all processes of the election are biometrically enabled, an early election in hurry, following the present timetable will further destabilize Afghanistan, the world and will be a shame and catastrophe for all of us and waste of resources. 3-HANDING OVER BUDGET AND RESPONSIBLY TO THOSE WHO CAN BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE We recommend to the Afghanistan Election Support Group, to make the entire process an Afghan led, and Afghan owned, so that we have a single body responsible and accountable, else stop your support, let Afghanistan find their own resources. In the present situation the immunities of UN and especially corruption, bureaucracy and nepotism in UNESP and other stakeholders is making the process complicated, irresponsible and corrupt, where no one can be made responsible and accountable. 4-MAKE ELECTION COMMISSION FREE AND RESPONSIBLE It was considered a big achievement in the eyes of the Afghan public when the commissioners of election commissions were openly selected in a transparent manner by voting of 17 presidential candidates, but soon after that the illegal government of Dr. Ashraf Ghani, blackmailed them, most of the commissioners told us, government official warn them to follow the quarantine, must meet government official but cannot met with presidential candidates else they will face the faith of x-commissioners. It is astonishing, all the electoral results of x-election commissions are accepted, but all the commissioners are illegally terminated and currently under politically motivated legal prosecution. On 28 April, 12 presidential candidates and political parties, appointed me as head of the committee consisting of technical member from the group, to help the commission and candidates clearly understand and agree on the technicality of the election commission, specially IT and biometric systems, we sent a formal request to the election commission for technical evaluation, since then promising, but not arranging the tour. We have information that the current result tabulation system at commission is a total fraud, it needs fixing before the presidential elections. We need a more transparent system, that every step is clearly understood by the candidates and nothing should be concealed. In this writing, I may seem pessimistic but the situation in Afghanistan which is adding to the suffering of millions of Afghans and other people around the world may not improve if we do not change the attitude of those employed by the UN and other allies to work for improvements, respect local initiatives and stop imposing alien ideas, otherwise the Afghan war and suffering will continue and very few will enjoy their mini-kingdoms. A big change is needed else more innocent lives will be lost. I hope our observations, experiences and findings will bring changes that will truly reflect the mandate of all UN member states whose taxpayer money pay the very existence of the UN and the humanitarian activities of the United Nations, across the world. We hope the arrogant western diplomats will change their attitude and policies, keep in view our thousands of years of history not only governing ourselves but the entire Indian subcontinent. Last but not the least, I cannot emphasize enough the imperative of the pressing need of the establishment of a caretaker government for the sake of just, free and transparent presidential election. Also adding the caretaker government to the constitution is vitally important for the checks and balances of the future Afghan governments, national security and prosperity of our motherland. Mr. Noor Rahman Liwal, Afghanistan Presidential Candidate 2019 and Presidential Nominee 2014, an Afghan philanthropist, entrepreneur, inventor, leading IT expert and businessman, owner of multi-national companies, Pashto TV, worked with governments, Mujahideen, United Nations Agencies and NGOs, can be reached at and @nrliwal.
د ډېرو برعکس چې ويل يې ټرمپ به بايلونکى وي، ١١٨ ورځې وړاندې مې حالاتو ته په کتو دا وړاند وينه کړې وه، چې ټرمپ ګټونکى دى.
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د ډېرو برعکس چې ويل يې ټرمپ به بايلونکى وي، ١١٨ ورځې وړاندې مې حالاتو ته په کتو دا وړاند وينه کړې وه، چې ټرمپ ګټونکى دى.

له کلنټن څخه د بېرني ساندرس ملاتړ د ټرمپ کمپ نور پياوړى کړ. د بېرني ساندرس او ټرمپ ترمنځ به ګټونکى ساندرس و، خو د ټرمپ او کلينټن ترمنځ ګټونکى ټرمپ بريښي. په متحده ايالاتو کې مېشتو هېوادوالو او پښتنو که د ټرمپ ډلې څخه ملاتړ وکړي راتلونکي حکومت کې به برخه ولري.

ډيموکراټانو زموږ په هېواد او سيمه کې جګړه توده وساتله او همدغه تګلاره به کلينټن پرمخ بيايي، کاروبارى ذهنيت لرونکى ټرمپ به بدلون راولي. هسې هم دا ځل وار د جمهوريت غوښتونکو دى. د بريکسيټ لامله به د انګلستان نوى حکومت هم د ټرمپ ملاتړى وي.

په متحده ايالاتو کې بدلونونه زموږ پر هېواد او سيمه نيغې اغېزې لري. زموږ په چارو کې د دوى بربنډو لاسوهنو پر بنسټ، اخلاق او ډيپلوماسي موږ ته دا اجازه راکوي چې ورته څرګندونې وکړو.

US as nations is falling:
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US as nations is falling:

Mr. McCain, the US as nation is not failing because of the White House, the main cause is the double standards US as leader of the West is playing on the world stage for the economic and political gains.

The BREXIT vote was a reaction of the common people against the policies of Western achievements like the US, EU and NATO in UK.


Do your home work, stop blaming, start changing:
Stop US interfering in other nations affairs, stop sponsoring regimes, stop toppling regimes, stop imposing warlords as leaders on nations (as in Iraq, Afghanistan...) work as a partner with nations, use it or lose it.

Call from the graveyard of empires.

خو دې کې هېڅ شک نشته چې په کابل تپلشوي چارواکي د هېواد سره ناروا د پرديو د خوشالولو لپاره کوي. د متحده ايالاتو خو، مثال د هغې دى، ورته يې ويل، يار دې يم، هغې ويل د کومې کوڅې!
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Mr. Kirby, first of all your gossip at the US state department does not matter with recognition of Durand Line! And it never mattered, because since the creation of Pakistan, US governments have been on the same page, supporting the unjust Pakistan.

What actually matters is the strong will and courageous ambitions of the people and young leadership on both sides in Afghanistan and Pashtunkhwa to put an end to the bloody line and get united. No power in the world can stop them.

Unnecessarily interfering in other people's affairs in an arrogant manner like yours is the main factor contributing to the shattering of American dreams, destroying your nation's goodwill and the democratic values of your country.

If you believed in democracy you would have called on Pakistan to give basic human right of millions living under a century old inhuman law of Frontier Crime rule, one third of Pakistani resident have no basic human rights of – appeal, wakeel and daleel (the right to request a change to a conviction in any court, the right to legal representation and the right to present reasoned evidence, respectively). 

Would you live in such a country?, 
Is it not against the human right and democratic values to support such a country?
وروستى امريکايي عسکر چې له افغانستان څخه تښتيوروستى روسي عسکر چې له افغانستان څخه تښتيوروستى بريټانوي عسکر چې له افغانستان څخه تښتي
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American Invasion Defeat Day, 31 August 2021
The last American Soldier left Afghanistan Major General Chris Donahue, commander of the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division,
@18airbornecorps, boarded a C-17 cargo plane at 11:59 on 30 August 2021 at the Kabul International Airport , Afghanistan.

Invaders in Afghanistan have on fate leave defeated, last American forced to leave 2021, last Russian (Soviets) forced to leave in 1989 & the only last British leaving in 1842.All of them had one thing in common fight the Afghans by nourishing the ethnic tensions. We need to overcome the ethnic grievances. I think a complete population census is required and based on the ratio of ethnicity a quota in the governmental system can solve this problem.

The Almighty Allah enable Afghans to forgive, build brotherhood and build a nation. Amen

Noor Rahman Liwal
متحده ايالاتو په سوريه کې
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متحده ايالاتو په سوريه کې

داسې ښکاري چې متحده ايالاتو په سوريه کې جګړه وبايلله، که همداسې دومخي روان ول او د افغانانو پر بډ يې خپل ناوړه پروګرامونه جاري ساتل او د افغانانو سره ريښتونې ملګرتيا يې د لنډو ګټو لپاره له پامه غورځوله هغه ورځ ليري نده چې دلته هم ناکامه شي.

د ستانونو د ذهنيت د سيمې د پرمختګ له ويرې اروپايي ذهنيت لرونکو هېواد په سيمه کې د احساساتي مشرانو او احساساتي سياسي خوځښتونو پر مټ جګړې تودې ساتلي ترڅو د ستانونو د سيمې پرمختګ د دوى د پرمختګ ځايناسى نه شي او بازار له لاسه ورنکړي.

د ستانونو د ذهنيت د هېوادونو په احساساتو ولاړ سرکښان په نړۍ کې د بل هرچا سره جوړيداى شي خو نادونده داده چې ترخپل منځ او خپلو ګاونډيو سره وړې وړې ستونځې نشي هوارولاى.

ترکيه د کوردي مسلمانو د ځورونې او وژنې لپاره له امريکايي، روسي او يهود سره ملګرتيا کولاى شي خو د يو مسلمان ورور په ډول، کوردان خپل ګاونډى نشي غملاى همدارنګه ايران د روس، چين او امريکا سره ملګرتيا کولاى شي خو په افغانستان کې سياسي ټيکاو ځکه نشي زغملاى چې دوى خپل او پردى نه پېژني.

ترکيه په ٢٠ بيليونو ډالرو له روسيې څخه بټۍ رانيسي خوخپلو ترکانو ته ١ بيليون نشي ورکولاى چې په ورته بټۍ څېړنې وکړي.

ډېر اړينه ده چې د ستانونو د ذهيت په سيمه کې روڼاندي يو بل ته نژدي شي او له دغه احساساتي حالت څخه سيمه منطقي حالت ته وړلو کې خپله دنده ترسره کړي، په دغه اړه مو "د ستانونو د پوهاوي جرګې" رامنځه کولو هلېځلې پيل کړي چې په هېواد اوسيمه به غوره اغيزې ولري.


Amanullah Eshaqzai

هیڅ شک نلرم چه امریکا یان به وتښتي خو بیا به دروسانو او پنجابیانو غلامان راشی بیرتبه د امریکایانو غلامان د پنجاب او روس د غلامانو پر ضد جنګ شروع کی نوم بی جهاډ وی خو اصلي خبره دا ده چه کوم جهاد او کوم خپلواک انسانان فقط انسان وژنه هغه هم بیچاره افغانان

Fareed Ahmad Ranjbar
هلته له اورپکو ملاتړ کیده او د حکومت خلاف جګړه او دلته برعکس، افغان ولس د حکومت ملاتړی او له جګړی ستړی دی. دلته هغه لوبه نشی تکراریدلی هیله ده چی زما مطلب مو اخیستی وی لیوال صیب.

نورایل کلیوال
که همدا درې هېوادونه، ایران، ترکیه، روسیه او عربي ملکونه د افغلنستان سره رښتینی سیاست کي ملګرتیا وکړي، نو لېري نه ده چي هم به دوی او هم به موږ پر پښو درېږو.

Ezzatullah Momand
جګړه يي خو بایللی چي حيثيت يي هم بايللی
Middle east and Trump
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Middle east and Trump
Trump is not plying the drum of the western mockery & that is good for Middle East, scraping the #IranNuclearDeal will unit the region. West use Arab & Iranian against each other as carrot and stick. When West is biting Arabs stay friendly with Iran & when beating Iran stay friendly with Arabs.
د پاکستان د بربادى پيل ځکه دى چې د لويديځ پيشو ختيځ ته مخه کړه.
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د پاکستان د بربادى پيل ځکه دى چې د لويديځ پيشو ختيځ ته مخه کړه.
اوس به لويديځوال په افغانستان کې خپلې دومخۍ بند وي او ريښتونې ملګرتيا ته به رادانګي يا به يې له سيمې باروي.

کله چې د ملت ارادې د پوځ په لاس کې ورکړل شي بيا عقل او پوهه کار نه کوي خوار پاکستان.

په افغانستان کې نور د روس او پاکستان پلوه خلکو ځاى نشته، پدا نژدې وخت کې د وژنو ترشا هم کېداى شي دا انګيزه وي. ځکه کرزى صيب هم د لويديځ تر ملګرتيا وروسته روس ته مخه کړې وه لکه چې رازق خان يې د ملګرتيا قرباني شو.

مرحوم قهرمان خو سم دم زاړه روس پلوه ګوندونه را ژوندي کول کېداى شي د هغو هڅو قرباني شوى وي.
Donald J. Trump US need to respect and listen to the majority instead of warlords
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Donald J. Trump US need to respect and listen to the majority instead of warlords
Donald J. Trump US need to respect and listen to the majority instead of warlords or puppet leaders who are sitting on world largest resources and yet think can not survive without US support for 6 months. Ashraf Ghani is under siege, listen

Mr. Ashraf Ghani remarks that he can not survive without US support is hurting and disrespecting every Afghan and our history as proud nation. He was voted to end war, corruption and poverty, unfortunately with his bad policies and weak governance those are badly increased.

In 2017 alone more than 25000 Afghans are martyred/wounded and millions badly effected. The strategy is damaging Afghans & US interest. Change is badly needed.

U.S. Army General John Nicholson actions in Afghanistan are not defeating the ideology, but increasing it base and support. Imagine the children, relatives and widows of above 25,000 affectees. By Afghan average of seven family member that means 175,000 people became revenge taking sworn enemies of Afghanistan government and those who support them.

One component of present strategy is good and appreciative to relive Pakistan from plying the double standards, supplying US army and harboring it is enemies, if you want to end the war this hypocrisy need complete end.
It seems Trump will win the #USElections2020, Noor Rahman Liwal
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It seems Trump will win the #USElections2020, Noor Rahman Liwal
As I predicted in 2016 that President Trump as businessman is not bad for the world, he campaigned to end the long US wars, unfortunately due to industrial and establishment complexes, specially the interest of US heavy industries attached to military is making it difficult to give up their war revenue, that is why Trump could not #EndEndlessWars, but at least Trump hasn't started any new war.

Also Trump wanted to end the end less war of Afghanistan. To manipulate the 2019 voting process in Afghanistan, on request of the Unity Government of Dr. Ghani and Dr. Abdullah 'US army made the 2018 and 2019 the heaviest and deadliest years of US bombing in Afghanistan since 2001'. In Afghanistan the war could have been ended on 28 September 2019, if there was no US open handed interference in election process, Ghani & Abdullah were not committing vote rigging and Taliban was allowing voting in their controlled areas. In such a situation I would have been the winner of 2019 election and today Afghanistan must have been a productive country contributing to the progress of neighbors, region and maybe the world.

Now it seems Trump will win #USElections2020, if not, social disorder and economical collapses in the US will bring unimaginable chaos, notice the reaction of US markets on doubtful Trump's corona diagnosis. Biden may win public voting, but the US winner is decided by white majority Electoral Collage who are not buying the Biden Agenda.

The useful idiots setting in Kabul government hungry for clan powers and arrogant western partners deployed in Afghanistan, did not understood the real meaning of the western invasion and they did not took advantage of the war and that presence! Otherwise they would not had the most stupid stance of Afghan gov officials echoing: Afghan soil will not be used against anyone!

Afghan soil is never used against anyone, but many interfered in the internal affairs of Afghanistan, imposed wars for their benefits while US was setting there for the order of the Afghan government, these stupid official used that world class power for bombing and killing their own people rather than those who were interfering and making life difficult for partners. Afghan government official was busy fueling clan wars and unable to manage or direct the war where it needed to go for the benefit of Afghans and Americans as partners. Therefore, there is no advantage for Afghans and American to continue that partnership.

My recommendation to those involved in #Afghanpeacetalks, #AfghanPeaceProcess and particularity Afghan government and Taliban to reach an agreement before #USElections2020 or may loose the opportunity for peace in Afghanistan. Afghan government is failed to take advantage of the presence of the western super power as partner, at least now take advantage of their leaving, by quickly adopting to government structure that preserve the petty achievement of the 19 years to be not ruined. Solution is #AfghanCaretakerGovernment.
