THE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR LOGAR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Deadline: November, 28, 2017 at 03:30 PM(Kabul Local Time)
The Government of Afghanistan is asking feasibility study of Logar International Airport as proposed by Noor Rahman Liwal under the Liwal National Sustainability Initiatives.
The initiative is appreciating the governments move and will support those willing to participating to carry out the study.
Scope of Services:
Specifically the objective of this feasibility study is to assess the feasibility of the proposed site for the development of Logar international airport. At least the following factors should be considered in this feasibility study:
i. Regional Plan: Evaluation of the proposed site with respect to the regional plan.
ii. Airport security and protection: assessment of the natural protection from the air raids and to be used as a combat field.
iii. Proximity to other Airports: taking into account the volume of air traffic.
iv. Ground Accessibility: Public transportation facilities, the time required to reach the airport from the center of the city taking into consideration the traffic congestion in different timings.
v. Topography of the Area: Natural features like ground contours, trees, streams etc.
vi. Obstructions: manmade or natural Obstruction for approach. Preparation of obstacle limitation surface taking into consideration the ICAO recommendation.
vii. Visibility: visibility reducing factors like fog smoke and haze.
viii. Wind: wind data i.e., direction, duration and intensity of wind and proposed better orientation of runway best on wind raised diagram.
ix. Noise Nuisance: Taking into account the residential and industrial development at present and future.
x. Grading, Drainage and soil characteristics: Investigation for Grading, drainage flooding costs based on the soil characteristics and topography of the site.
xi. Future Developments: considering that the air traffic volume will increase in future, more numbers of runways have to be provided for an increased traffic and more facilities may be required for processing passengers traveling. Anticipation of future development.
xii. Availability of Utilities from Town: Assessment of the various facilities.
xiii. Economic Consideration: Economical Aspects taking into consideration various factors.
xiv. Site Evaluation based on Airport Configuration: Evaluation of the site taking into account configuration of Runway, Taxiway, Aprons, Holding bays and location of major facilities.
Please let us know if you are willing to partner with one of our members.
Download the EOI documents from following link: